
Ellis Square Visitor Center
Savannah, Georgia’s new Ellis Square Visitor’s Center warmly welcomes visitors and demonstrates the city’s commitment to a sustainable future. The Center is the city’s first LEED certified project and is rebirth of an historic Savannah Square. Ellis Square is one of the original squares and was historically the site of the City Market but spent its most recent forty years as a parking deck.

Chatham County Fleet Services Building
Currently in the design phase, the Chatham County Fleet Services building is expected to break ground in October 2012. It will be one of the first Chatham County buildings certified under the new LEED certification policy adopted by the County.

Stephens County High School
Replacing the existing Stephen’s County High School was a tall order in itself, but the School Board’s decision to pursue LEED for Schools certification during the design process added another wrinkle. However, the 400,000 sf high school has earned LEED for Schools certification in mid-2012, one of the largest LEED S certified projects in the state.
When students occupy the $34 million facility, they will notice high-efficiency T5 lights connected to occupancy sensors in every classroom, as well as a high-efficiency water source heat pump HVAC system to keep comfortable and cut energy use over 15%. Low flow plumbing fixtures and kitchen equipment cut water use nearly 40%, while an emphasis on both regional materials and high recycled content components result in a highly durable school that will last generations. Low VOC finishes were used throughout, and all furniture is GreenGuard certified to help maintain air quality and an effective learning environment.

Library Renovation at AASU
The LEED NC Gold certified Armstrong Atlantic State University Learning Commons is a cutting-edge digital library center that provides cutting edge resources for learning and education for students at AASU. The new facility is a beacon of sustainability for AASU and its students, providing a healthy, high performance environment for education and continued learning and research.
Water use was cut inside the building by over 45% through the use of low flow plumbing fixtures. Energy savings of over 40% are expected, with a high-efficiency chiller installed. T5 and compact fluorescent lighting provides a high-quality learning and work environment without excessive electricity consumption, and a solar photovoltaic system on the roof meets 20% of the Learning Commons’ energy demand.
Low emitting products and finishes were used throughout, and the entire building was flushed out prior to occupancy to ensure no lingering pollutants remain

Martha B. Faye Chatham County Health Department
The LEED NC Gold certified Martha B. Faye Chatham County Health Department is a cutting-edge health center that replaces the 57 year old former facility next door. The new facility is a beacon of sustainability for Chatham County and its residents, providing a healthy, high performance environment for the treatment of residents of the area.

Georgia Southern Lakeside and Landrum Dining Halls
The LEED Silver Certified Landrum and Lakeside dining halls are a prime example of managing multiple simultaneous LEED projects – one a rehab/addition, the other new construction – to meet sustainability and usability goals. Both projects are infill, redevelopment sites located w/in the Georgia Southern Campus in Statesboro, GA.
The Dining Halls are cutting-edge food services facilities for students at GSU. The new facilities are a beacon of sustainability for GSU and its students, providing a healthy, high performance environment for education and continued learning and healthy lifestyles. Water use was cut inside the building by over 45% through the use of low flow plumbing fixtures. Energy savings of over 20% are a result of a high-efficiency chiller while T5 and compact fluorescent lighting provides a high-quality dining and food preparation environment without excessive electricity consumption. Low emitting products and finishes were used throughout, as were products with no added urea-formaldehyde, all which complement the healthy lifestyle choices offered by the dining hall.

Mercer Admissions and Visitors Center
Mercer Admissions and Visitors Center is Mercer University’s first LEED certified project, earning LEED Gold certification in January 2013. The 7,000-square-foot renovation and addition features a historic rehab, new construction, and a host of sustainable design features. Spray foam insulation reduces air infiltration in the new portion and blown cellulose fills the un-insulated walls of the existing structure.

Effingham County Courthouse
The LEED NC Gold certified Effingham Country Courthouse is a renovation of a Springfield, GA’s historic courthouse originally constructed in the early 1900s. Nearly 100% of the building shell was preserved, and over 60% of interior walls were able to be restored. Original heart pine woodwork was restored by hand. A high-efficiency VRV HVAC systems provides zoned cooling and climate controls, while and ERV provides pre-conditioned fresh air.

Fontaine Hall Student Residences
The LEED NC Gold certified Student Dorms at Fontaine Hall is a renovation of Columbus, GA’s historic Fontaine Building – a three-story masonry building constructed in 1895.

Effingham Career Academy
The Effingham Career Academy is a 45,000 sf learning center to teach technical skills to high school students. The Effingham Career Academy (currently under construction) features a high-efficiency VAV HVAC system, a 30 kw solar array, lighting controlled by occupancy and daylight sensors, and low-E glass with shading devices to reduce energy consumption by nearly 30%.

Clarendon Hospital Addition
The new addition to Clarendon Hospital is looking out for the health and well-being of patients before they enter the building. The 47,000-square-foot addition earned LEED certification in July 2012 and is the premiere LEED certified project in Manning, SC.

Armed Forces Reserve Center
The Armed Forces Reserve Center, located at the Ft Mcclellan Training Site in Alexandria, AL, is a two story, ~53,000 sf facility pursuing LEED Gold certification. The project features geothermal heating and cooling, low flow plumbing fixtures, and numerous stormwater measures. The project is currently under GBCI certification review.

Ft Stewart 3rd Brigade Headquarters
The Ft Stewart 3rd Brigade Headquarters is a two-story administrative building encompassing roughly 55,000 sf in Ft Stewart, GA. As per Army Corp requirements, all buildings must be LEED Silver certifiable. The 3rd Brigade HQ features a high performance building envelope, high efficiency HVAC and lighting, low flow plumbing fixtures, and onsite stormwater management. The building uses 30% less energy and 40% less water than a conventionally designed building.

Ft Polk Mountain Brigade Headquarters
The 4/10 Mountain Brigade Headquarters is located in Ft Polk, LA. At nearly 40,000 sf, this two story administrative structure is meeting the Army Corps LEED Silver requirement. The building features a high performance enveloped (including envelope commissioning), high efficiency chiller/boiler HVAC system, T5 and T8 lighting, and low emitting finishes throughout. The project’s estimated completion is Q1 2012.